Kenan’s Visit to Fire Island: A Photo Compilation

Kenan is a name of Hebrew origin meaning to acquire, or possess – and he certainly did take possession of Long Island and much of the Northeast. According to the Town of Islip, the Winter Storm last week on January 29, 2022 was officially classified a blizzard in Suffolk County leaving the second-highest daily snowfall amount of record for Long Island. And not unlike SNL funnyman Kenan Thompson, the storm was also something of a comedian, leaving snowdrifts of impossible shapes in its wake, while strong winds made shoveling efforts all but moot.

However, its harsh beauty also made room for quiet contemplation on Fire Island. In this spirit we have gathered some of the best images of the magnificent storm across our barrier beach.

TO THE LIGHTHOUSE: While making their commute, one of the officers from Ocean Beach Police Department took this haunting image of Fire Island Lighthouse with edges softened by the blizzard haze.

BIRDHOUSE BY THE BAY: In Lonelyville, Karen Moran catches a tranquil view when a bright winter sun finally made an appearance the next day.

OBPD BLUE: While still on patrol, Ocean Beach Police Department, an apartment house on Midway becomes transformed to a snow scene fitting for a postcard.

DUNE OR DRIFT?: With a hefty dose of humor, Kelly Becker-Smith opts to stay in Seaview after assessing the obstacles of venturing into her neighboring community.

FROM THE PILOT’S CABIN: Ice conditions at Ocean Bay Park terminal restricted passenger and freight service for nearly a week, several days longer than the other communities served by Fire Island Ferries, Inc. AS THE GULL FLIES: Further east, the January deep freeze leaves Cherry Grove ice-bound, with the Sayville ferry carrier suspending all service since January 21. Mike Fisher captures the mood with his drone footage. 

INFINITE PERSPECTIVE: Along the oceanside, author and political commentator Andrew Kirtzman captures a majestic view of Fire Island Pines in the wintertime. 

DUSTED DUNES IN DAVIS: Sprawling white dunes continue in webcam footage from the Davis Park Association, but the dormant potential of a glorious summer ahead is already apparent only one day after Kenan has passed.