This Week Atlantique

This Week AtlantiqueBy Kirsten CorssenHow well do you know Atlantique?At sunset what happens at Atlantique Marina?A. Everyone cheers.B. The bathrooms close.C. The boats sound their horns.D. Free Rocket Fuels at The Shack.The answer is C – One of the most beautiful sights on Fire Island is a sunset. During the summer season, it sets in the bay resulting in a beautiful sight for all the boaters in the marina. One tradition that Atlantique boaters love to do is honk their horns at sunset. This shows our excitement and brings everyone’s attention to the spectacular sky full of colors.What year was Atlantique founded?A. 1900B. 1912C. 1950D. 2015Who remembers the 100th year celebration of Atlantique back in 2012? I hope you all got a T-shirt because that was a once in a lifetime event here at Atlantique. Atlantique was founded in 1912, by Carlton Brewster and Dr. George King.When do the public showers get cold?A. Happy hour (5p.m.)B. 9 a.m.C. 3 p.m.D. A & CBoth A & C – During the summer season, many of Atlantique’s visitors take the Bay Shore ferry over. Since Atlantique is a small town, the ferries coming in and out are limited when compared to the more populated Fire Island communities. The two most popular ferries that people leave on at the end of a long day at the beach are the 3:30 and 5:30 p.m., which results in cold showers. Atlantique is one of the few towns on Fire Island that provides heated showers to the public, making it a treasured aspect to island beach goers. So, make sure to get your shower in before 3 or after 6 p.m., in order to get some warm water — or you can always bathe in the ocean!What was the original name of Atlantique?A. Sea Fire BeachB. Antique BeachC. Robins RestD. AtlantiqueSea Fire Beach was the original name given to the small town on Fire Island by the founders Carlton Brewster and Dr. George King. The area was later acquired by the Town of Islip, and renamed Atlantique Town Beach and Marina.True or False: Atlantique is one if the narrowest areas of Fire Island?True. Although Fire Island is a very long strip of land, its width is very thin. From the ferry dock in the marina to the ocean’s edge, it measures about 900 feet. This means a short walk to the ocean on a nice day, but an easy breach for the sea during a storm.How many houses are located in Atlantique?A. 15-25B. 25-35C. 45-55D. 0There are 55 houses in Atlantique. Some may think that Atlantique is strictly a boater’s community because of the large marina that is located here, but there are many houses as well. The best quality of this hidden town is that few know it is here. This makes it an ideal area for those who want peace and quiet for their summer bungalows.What is the most popular item at The Shack?A. Rocket fuelsB. Ice creamC. Homemade Rum PunchD. French friesAccording to the shack owner, Gavin, the most popular item at the shack is the delicious Rocket Fuel. Rocket Fuels first originated at CJ’s Restaurant and Bar in Ocean Beach. This delicious mixture of liquor and piña colada slush spread like fire around the island, making it Fire Island’s signature drink and The Shack’s most beloved item.Where is a captain’s least favorite place to be?A. Stuck on a sand barB. In the middle of a stormC. Attached to a lose anchor lineD. The Black ListThe correct answer is all of them because let’s be honest, who wants to be stuck in any of those situations? However, at Atlantique the worst place to be is on the Black List. Don’t worry, the name of this list may be intimidating but it is simply a way for the dock masters to keep track of those who do not pay their docking fees on time. To be taken off the Black List, one must pay their fees and hope they do not get stuck on a sand bar in the middle of a storm with a broken anchor line.When is there live music playing at the shack?A. EverydayB. Thursday and FridaysC. Saturday and SundayD. Only on special eventsEvery Saturday and Sunday from 2-5 p.m., The Shack has live music playing for all to enjoy. Gavin books local Long Island bands to play rain or shine at The Shack. If you can’t make it on the weekends for the live music, you can always stop by during the week for some delicious happy hour drink specials from 5-7 p.m.Email Kirsten with your Atlantique news and events at