Ocean Bay Park

Deirdre Donohue-Yevoli catching the sun’s last rays. (Photo by Fran Miller)

It’s hard to believe that we are already two thirds of the way through the month of July, but thus far it has not disappointed. What could possibly top the Buck Moon? On July 13 it was all but impossible not to see the largest full moon of 2022. If for some reason you missed it, the next full moon and last super moon of the year will be Aug. 11 when the Sturgeon moon will light up the sky.

Feels like things are finally getting back to normal. The Ocean Bay Park FD held their annual July 4th BBQ, after the COVID induced hiatus, and I must say it was just what the doctor ordered. The whole community turned out in support, the weather cooperated, and the clams, as always, were delicious. It was a pleasure to see OBP’s own Travel Detective Peter Greenberg and catch up with his latest travels. He told me that he had just returned from shooting three back to back one hour specials for PBS on the Canary Islands, Ireland and the Aegean. The Canary Islands special will air this fall. The last time I had seen him he was off to shoot his most recent television special “Tanzania: The Royal Tour with President Samia Suluhu Hassan.” Peter and his lovely wife, Hande, are off soon for another shoot in Greece. But the minute the shoot is over, he said they are rushing right back to Fire Island.

Greenberg is not the only globetrotter in OBP. Superior Street’s Rachelle King is a NYC public school art teacher who usually travels each July once school ends. It’s always some place off the beaten track and she has had the same travel companion for many years. This year, she decided to go solo and took off for Cyprus and other parts unknown.

There are so many new faces in Ocean Bay Park, which is a testament to how vibrant and evolving our little town is. But rather than list who sold and who bought what houses, I thought I would introduce some of our new four legged neighbors. On Ontario alone we have three new dogs: Bentley the Labradoodle who lives with neighbors Catherine and Tony Catanes; Dylan Wallace’s rescue, Macho, the Bullmastiff; and Kurt Rieke’s beagle mix, Penny Lane. I love all the names but perhaps my favorite is Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice to the non-astronomers among us). BG, as I have nicknamed him, is a rusty red poodle puppy who “owns” Michigan Street’s Susan Lipman and Louis Solish. Like the red super nova he is named for, Betelgeuse, is a bright light of a dog. All the newcomers I know of, however, are not dogs. Feel free to send me your cat tales so that we can give the felines equal time.

Since August is fast approaching, please save the date: Fran Miller’s annual art show is currently slated for Saturday, Aug. 20, from 2-5 p.m. All are welcome to join. Contact Fran for more info at luckyfb@aol.com. It’s always a fun day and a great community event.