Ocean Beach Beat

The newest Little Library box in OB by Bobby Burns of Bobby’s Boards.

Citizens of Ocean Beach, have you seen the fire hydrants that have been painted black? Maybe you have one on your block. These seven hydrants have been decommissioned because, according to Village Administrator Joe DiFranco, they are undersized and incapable of providing adequate water flow. They will be removed when the water department schedules time. Each has been replaced by a new hydrant no more than 10 feet away. Joe also told us that the DPW rented a scissor lift to enable them to access the upper reaches of the Ferry Terminal and inspect the bird netting. During this inspection they discovered holes allowing smaller birds to get inside. All the holes were repaired and any dead birds in the netting were extricated. So rest easy that our feathered friends will neither poop on your head or die trying.

Once again, we all benefit from the generosity of three of our neighbors. A marvelously artistic book swap box was a gift to the OB Community Fund from Bobby Burns and will be located on the corner of Bay Walk and Evergreen Walk. And a super cool golf cart with a luggage rack on the roof was the gift of a couple of relatively new fellas from Midway: Johnny Cunha and his business partner, Nelson Fernandez. It is available to borrow at Police Headquarters along with the one we already had. That is a most welcome addition to the Village fleet. Make sure to extend a word of gratitude to Bobby, Johnny and Nelson when you seem them. 

Have you been doing a little spring cleaning? Well it’s time to get paid for your efforts. Gather up all that stuff and wheel it on down to the ball field on June 24 for the annual Flea Market. Treasures will abound no doubt. And if you see Woody trying to peddle a rooster themed lamp, DO NOT BUY IT. It was a gift from a friend.

For our year-round resident families, school ended June 22. And in the course of preparing this column I had one of those “wow, I didn’t know that” moments. According to School District Superintendent Travis Davey, who is completing his first year on the job, up to one third of prior enrollments were Coast Guard children living at the lighthouse station. The station is closed for renovations but the children are expected to return upon completion. 

Speaking of children, get those kiddies signed up for camp. Windswept’s doors blow open June 26.

Also please remember and remind the family, east/west traffic on Midway, Neptune and Bay View have the right of way. If you are traveling north/south (ocean to bay) please stop and look both ways before crossing or entering one of those streets. The hypnotic environment of Fire Island can make us forget the basic principles of street crossing. Golf carts and bikers traveling from one village to another pose calamitous risk to entranced pedestrians and riders who aren’t paying attention. How many times have you hit the brakes because someone darted out of a side street? Stop. Look. Cross.

Finally, for all you music enthusiasts, and who isn’t, the drum circle will kick off on Wednesday, June 28, at 7 p.m., at the gazebo. Bring your percussion instruments or something to bang on.