Saltaire Summery

I write this final column of the year not knowing who or what may be around to read it next week. Mario’s first email warned us about Tropical Storm Henri, or TS Henri as Mario calls it. I remember the havoc wrought by TS Eliot, murdering people in the cathedral, hollowing out men, Mario warned us but no one paid heed, but maybe now that Henri’s evolved into a hurricane we’ll take the appropriate Tee-Ess precautions. Public events were postponed (even the Jogathon, despite the prospect of setting faster times in a hurricane), voluntary evacuees voluntarily evacuated, chuckling wildlife were left to divvy up the choicest houses. With fewer ferries afloat, remember the foredeck is just one deck, folks’ll be crowding the fo’c’sle, don’t even think about what’s happening on the poop deck, just stampede the dock in an orderly fashion and everyone will be spirited away, and depending upon PSE&G, we’ll keep the light on for ya.And you thought things were bad when 50 sharks held a feeding frenzy (reminiscent of barbecue night at the SYC) off Davis Park a week ago Sunday. Holiday life.Post-crisis (i.e., now), keep an eye peeled for announcements of activities, advisories, SCA do’s, VOS don’ts, Club stuff and the sundry parties and catastrophes that fill the off-season. Note! The SVFC plans the Return of the Pancake Breakfast Sunday, Sept. 5. The Post Office closes on or about Sept. 30, the Club and Market on or about Columbus Day, the Justice Court your-honor about Oct. 15, as village services wind up winding down. Ralph Perlberger provided a recap of his Eponymous Soccer Tournament; slightly edited Perls of wisdom: “Another great competitive and fun event. Four teams, high quality soccer, [but] Sunday’s play-offs canceled due to rain. Gold Team won.” Ralph thanks all who helped and played.We’re deeply grieved to note the passing of two more village residents, our beloved and esteemed Terry Cunningham and Suzanne Sahi. Terry was the warmest, kindest whirlwind of activity you ever met, Suzanne a brilliant, funny and perceptive scholar, Saltairians ever in our hearts. Speaking of cardio-occupants, two notes. One’s sad: Dennis Sommesso is leaving the Yacht Club and Fire Island for good and Florida, so we thank him and wish him good fortune; one’s happy: our old friend, Milton Pike, marked his 100th birthday this year and reigns as Saltaire’s oldest resident. Few indeed will ever surmount Pike’s peak (you saw that coming) but many more, Milt.So, that’s 2021. Be safe out there, with storms and sharks and pancakes of impeccable provenance, and remember, the Delta variant isn’t a reference to American Airlines. Me, I’m curling up with my TS-blown copy of “On the Beach” and its cheerier scenarios of doomsdays past.