If you are a regular Robert Moses beach-goer, then my next #FireIslandLifeHack for you is to purchase a NYS Empire Pass at https://parks.ny.gov/admission/empire-passport/. For anyone with an existing but expired pass, you may renew it now for a $5.00 discount. Parking per day at Robert Moses state park is $10.00. If you will go to the beach at least 8 times throughout this summer then it is worth it to invest in the empire pass for $80. Passes are not limited to beaches, but will also provide you access to all NYS parks, amenities, historical sites and recreation. This pass can be shared with anyone in your household or friend group considering it is not bound to one individual. Your pass can be downloaded and saved to your smartphone with the NY State Parks Explorer App, which is easy-to-use and provides visitors with information about different activities, destinations and NYS parks to explore.