IMG_2261ATLANTIQUEBy Kirsten CorssenDon’t FallYes, it’s on all our minds. August is rolling through very quickly and none of us want to let go of the hot summer days just yet. But before we fall, let’s reminisce about our summer.We all remember the first trip across the Great South Bay with excitement in our voices as we pulled into the mouth of the marina, grateful that the de-winterization of the boat went smoothly and the engines were working right. As you backed into the slip you saw the smiling faces of the dockmasters – there to greet you with a friendly hello and personable question about how your winter season was on the mainland.We all recall the first time we fell into the ocean in early June when the weather was still a little chilly and you were convinced the ocean had ice cubes still floating in it from the long winter. But you toughed it out anyway and dove head first into the white water.You can’t forget the time you tripped on a loose board on the dock and got your first splinter of the season. All because your summer-calloused feet were not set in just yet and still used to wearing closed toe shoes everyday.Remind yourself of the good deal you got on that beach chair you would fall into everyday alongside the ocean. And that addicting summer book that took your mind elsewhere as the faint sound of the waves broke along the shore.The summer was full of many boat trips around the bay looking for the best clamming spot to bring home some dinner, making sure to get enough to share with the rest of the boaters on the dock. Remember the mouthwatering anticipation of spicing them up before throwing them on the grill so the aroma spreads around the marina attracting friends to join in eating some of the local clams with you.All of us are trying to forget that time when you tripped and took a hard fall on the pavement while walking out of The Shack after happy hour. After having a nice chat and getting a good drink deal from Gavin and Bryan, you left happy but also with a cut knee. This didn’t stop you from heading back the next night.We all were a little embarrassed when we fell behind on our slip payments and saw our boats’ name written on the black list. We didn’t mean to fall behind but after the fifth day of the beach life you found yourself so relaxed that you forgot to give your credit card to the dockmaster.Most of all we will never forget all the times we fall in love in with the Atlantique community. Between the smiling faces of the kids on the playground or the painted shells being sold by the bathrooms, the college students who are brought together with their families for the summer, and all the friendships of all ages that began on the docks that will last well beyond summer’s end – some maybe a lifetime.So don’t trip just yet. Fall may be right around the corner but just because the boats aren’t in the water doesn’t mean the community needs to break apart.IMG_1573