
Fire Island Friend

By Kirsten CorssenThese three short months are our lifeline, and the fact that they are coming to an end is truly heartbreaking. Soon we will be back at the office, or the classroom, and before we know it we will be wearing sweaters. Very depressing, I know. When you’re cold, just think of all the warm times on the island. Also think of all the people who surrounded us all summer. Whether it’s the next door neighbor or a boat down the dock, I can almost guarantee that we have all made new Fire Island friends this year.When you’re 6, your Fire Island friends are those you see on the playground, then it  turns into playing pirate together. Next your swimming in the bay together, and by August you’re knocking on the back door at 8 a.m. waiting for them to be allowed out to play.When you’re 13, a Fire Island friend is the cute girl down the dock who is always seen in her bright pink bikini. In June it starts out on the handball courts where your two friend groups hang out, next you’re out late playing “manhunt” with her. After awhile you’ll meet at the beach during the day, and by August you’re kissing on the lifeguard stand instead of playing games.When you’re 21, a Fire Island friend is the man bun dude down the dock who comes off the ferry carrying a 36-pack of Bud Light. At first you see him out in Ocean Beach a couple of  times, then soon you’re drinking at happy hour at The Shack. Mid-point through the summer he is bringing you a 36-pack of Bud Light on the ferry. And by August, you’re trekking down to Ocean Beach together and buying each other cold cheese pizza for the walk home.For everyone over 30, a Fire Island friend is the neighbor who says in June, “Hey neighbor can I borrow some salt, I’m out.” Next it turns into, “I made some extra pancakes do you want some?” Then, “Do you want to come over for a glass of wine?” By August you are eating dinner together.These are the Fire Island friends who touch our lives forever. We’ll always remember them. The most unique thing about a Fire Island friend is that just like the summer, they are seasonal. You’ll go months without seeing these people, but think of them often, and once summer rolls around you’ll rekindle your friendship like you were never apart.Never stop planning for next summer. See you soon Fire Island and all my Fire Island friends!