KISMET – Across the Bay With MJ

KISMET – Across the Bay With MJBy Marijane Voltz         On June 4, the Surf’s Out hosted the Kismet Fire Department’s 43rd Annual Installation Dinner. It was a special evening as Carl Dahl was presented with the Proclamation of 36 years of service award. Other members of the KFD that received honors were Dominic Bertucci as Chief of the Department, Cody Baker as First Assistant Chief, Buddy Shumaker as 2nd Assistant Chief, Art Weinstein as Department Secretary, Linda Nowachek as Department Treasurer, Sam Wood Jr., Tom Sitone, and Sam Wood Sr. as truck captains, and Jay Lippert as Department 1It was the perfect night as guests danced to the accompaniment of Soul Patch and celebrated one another’s accomplishments. The Chief of the Department, Dominic Bertucci stated, “The Kismet Fire Department is very grateful to the Surf’s Out for hosting our annual event, as well as the very generous donation they gave to the fire district.” He continued by saying, “In addition, we would like to thank the other merchants in town for their generous donations; The Kismet Inn, Fire Island Ferries and The Red Wagon Emporium”.Sunday, June 12 was the General Membership meeting of the Kismet Community Association. Marsha Hunter, KCA President, called the meeting to order in a packed firehouse with standing room only. After reviewing the minutes of the previous meeting, it was time to get down to business.The first item on the agenda was the financial reports and how the KCA members must remember to pay their dues. Dues go towards community maintenance, container services, police hut cleaning, landscaping, our insurance, FIA contributions and administrative costs. The community suffers a great deal when members fail to do their part.The KCA received a generous check from Sam Wood and Rusty Phelan of Island Beach Realty this year. They welcomed the five new homeowners by paying their first year’s KCA dues. What a wonderful way to welcome the newest members of our community!Karen Spollen, KFD volunteer, neighbor, friend and most importantly mother of a deployed Marine, Grady O’Halleran took the floor for the next order of business, “Bottles for the Brave.” This program collects and contributes redeemable water bottles of any brand to raise money and create a better life for the military and their families. All the money raised goes directly towards this veteran services charity There will be plastic bags available at the market and a bottle depot set up at the firehouse.Dominic Bertucci, the KFD Chief, spoke to everyone about the importance of checking their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If you are in need of a new detector, the firehouse is selling them at the same price as Lowe’s or Home Depot. Dominic also urged those with small children to take a “tot finder” sticker for their children’s bedroom windows. The greatest numbers of fatalities that occur in house fires are those of children. Lastly, Chief Bertucci let the community know what the KFD is desperately in need of “turnout gear,” personal protective equipment that fire fighters wear. Each set costs $2500. Kismet has 40 volunteer fire fighters, but would be in good shape if they could acquire ten new sets of gear.The KCA meeting became quite heated when the Kismet League for Animal Welfare, (KLAW) got up to speak about their upcoming flea market. The money that is raised from the flea market is put towards the KLAW’s Trap-Neuter-Return program. Wild cats that are so often dumped at Field 5 are then trapped by the KLAW and brought over to the mainland to be neutered. Instead of leaving the cats at a shelter or setting them free on the mainland, the KLAW returns them back to Kismet, and that’s where the issue gets dicey!The Kismet community is outraged over the fact that the KLAW is not only returning these feral cats to Kismet but they are setting up feeding stations throughout the town. When the KLAW provides food for the feral cats, they are also feeding the deer, fox, raccoons and rats. Vic Liotta suggested that we allow the food chain to do its job and put an end to the food stations. This has become a concern among homeowners, as many are now experiencing rodent problems. Marsha Hunter, KCA President, stopped the discussion, stating that she would set up a meeting between residents and the KLAW at a future date to be determined.Joe Vietri of the Army Corps of Engineers joined the meeting to give us an update on the FIMI project. After an in depth tutorial on the dunes, inlets, and beach restoration, Mr. Vietri wanted the community to understand that we are now an engineered beach. Not unlike a bridge or highway, the beach now has a clear design on how to protect upland property from inclement weather.Now that we have an engineered beach, we no longer have the right to manipulate or enhance the sand and dunes. Every year there will be an inspection of all of the work that has been done and if there needs to be any repair, the Federal Government will handle it. In other words, we are no longer a “natural beach,” in fact the only thing natural about the beach are the nudists, who look to be more endangered than the piping plover.Congratulations to the Cole’s, for their newest family member Riley Rose arrived on June 7. Kismet is so excited for Jen, Mugsy and Lydon and can’t wait to meet their newest addition.On June 11, Christina Grahn and Megan Schlow from “3 by the Sea” exchanged vows at the Bay Shore Yacht Club. Christina’s Brother Larry officiated the ceremony as Christina and Megan adorned leis that were flown in from Hawaii, and presented one another with rings designed by Jorge George from Havana Cuba. Megan just signed a book deal with Abrams where 400 of her Cuban food photos will be published, along with some of her favorite Cuban recipes. Kismet couldn’t be happier for this wonderful couple.Email MJ at with your Kismet events and happenings.