Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:I am writing regarding the recent auction of computers at the Woodhull School. Each year, the school conducts a silent auction with sealed bids for computers that are out of warranty.However, the way the auction is run almost guarantees that not all of the computers will be sold. Bidders are asked to select which computer they wish to bid upon by its specific serial number. For example, this year 23 virtually identical Macbook Air computers were available. Those computers that did not receive bids would remain unsold, while other computers with multiple bids went to the highest bidder.Unsold computers are re-listed the following year or sold on e-bay. This seems highly inefficient.I would suggest that bidders be asked to bid solely on model numbers. That way, for example, the 23 highest bidders for the Macbook Airs would receive a computer and the school would generate more revenue. Seems like a no brainer to me.Respectfully,Sharon FiyalkaRobbins RestThank you everyone who contributed letters this season. Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are not necessarily those of Fire Island News.