Saltaire Summery

By Hugh O’BrienWell, it’s been quite a week here in Saltaire, with everyone still buzzing about the frantic pace of events.First, Village Administrator Mario Posillico orders that the controversial Village seagull flag – “Old Beak ‘n’ Wings” – be taken down from its prominent position on the south courtroom wall and put up over the Xerox machine, to honor all those who 90 years ago protested the abortive Saltaire invasion of Fair Harbor. Then, Village Justice Frank Markus issues a decision upholding the controversial “Band-Aid-and-aspirin” protections of Fureycare. Next, the incorrigibly activist Frank follows up with a judicial decree legalizing same-deer cohabitation. And finally, a feverish manhunt ends in a hail of deflated tires as Chief Dennis Foley apprehends an elusive pair of six-day bicycle riders terrorizing the Lighthouse Prom-Pacific-Bay Prom-West circuit. As ever, Saltaire leads, and mirrors, reality. Well, in so far as reality ever impinges on Saltaire.Here, as Col. Saito said in “The Bridge on the River Kwai,” is reality.By way of recapping the start of summer, the recreation program revs into full gear over the weekend of the 4. Camp begins Monday, July 6, with the precursor 4th of July games, curiously actually being held at the field on the 4th of July. Now, we’ve also gotten the scoop that the Fire Company is holding its third annual ice cream social that very afternoon, from 2-4 p.m., at the firehouse, conveniently next door to that very same field, so everyone is invited to celebrate their triumphs with three of the most notable words in the English language: FREE ICE CREAM! Not subtle, but then, consider the source. Just to avoid any misunderstanding: cups, but no cones, sprinkles, but no hot-fudge sauce. Remember, this is a social. No one wants a repetition of last summer’s infamous Baskin-Robbins riot, with its 31 casualties dripped all over the boardwalk.On another fire front, SVFC member Christine Schiff has organized the department’s Junior Firefighter program. Open to kids between 14 and 17, the program is intended as an introduction to the company’s operations and equipment, to give prospective members (you have to be 18 to join, and about 106 to retire) a feel for how the department operates so that when the time comes they might become full-fledged members (firefighters and/or EMTs). The first members have already signed up but there’s always room for more. Their next meeting is Friday the 3, at 1 p.m., led by Christine and abetted by scene commanders Georgine Posillico and Catherine O’Brien, at the firehouse. You can get applications there, or email Christine at for faster service. Do not dial 911. Firematic thanks also to Josh Raeben and Mario Posillico for their recurring help in making sure the program’s off to a solid start.The SCAA held its annual meeting last Saturday. Chairwoman Pat Hennessey, drawing her six years’ service on the board to a close, presided over the meeting that reviewed the organization’s work and calendar for the coming summer, and beyond. The most immediate event on the horizon is the previously mentioned House & Garden Tour, set for Saturday, July 25 (rain date, Sunday the 26). So popular has this event become that they organizers have to break the attendees into slower and faster groups so that everyone can be run through the houses on offer in the allotted two hours. Officer in charge Carol Cappelletti is looking for decent docents to act as additional chaperones for the group. (“Docent” sounds so much nicer than “herders.”) Tickets are required and may be purchased from Pat at 104 Marine or Grace Corradino at 207 Anchor; price is $20 until July 19, $30 after July 19, but for the budget-conscious they’re free beginning as of July 27.Besides Pat, SCAA boarders Phil Golub and Stacy Wolfe have rotated off, replaced by the equally able John Cooney, Kathryn Corrigan (Woods) and Michele Joerg. Grace, newly reelected, has succeeded (and will no doubt continue to do so) as chair, Richard Montero is vice chair – he lives across the street from Grace so that will save on texting bills – while Secretary Ellen Anderson and Treasurer Bob Barber remain at their posts. Thanks and appreciation to all.Incidentally, the biannual SCAA Directory has just come out, now with 25 percent more emails (from 0 percent last time). Great photo of the dock from an unusual visage – seen receding from the stern of a ferry, an obviously off-season shot with absolutely nobody in sight and only a handful of wagons chained up. Paid-in-full SCAA members are entitled to two books per household, extra copies $20 each; non-members may buy one book for $30 and a reproachful look. Get your copies at the post office. Just watch your fingers when one of the P.O.’s managers goes postal and slams the door in your face.And as promised, the SYC is now completely open for business. Tennis, sailing, exercise, classes, movies, Friday barbeque and assorted assortments have all taken wing and dinner service has been launched under the eager aegis of Chef Patrick Boutier. So far, so promising. Upcoming special events include the members’ 4th of July cocktail party (why does everything seem to happen on the 4th of July?). The first sandbar picnic will take place at 12:30 p.m., on July 11, and karaoke later that night for everyone not left stranded on the sandbar by the tide, if you’ll forgive mention of a rival publication.And we close with an excellent example of what Saltaire should be all about, shoplifted word-for-word from an emailed notice sent by V.A. Mario:“In an effort to help some of our more elderly residents meet some of their grocery needs for this summer season, one of our own Saltaire teenagers, Annabelle Lesser, has generously offered her time and energy to shop for and deliver groceries to those residents unable to walk or bike to either the Fair Harbor or Kismet markets. Annabelle conceived of this herself and took the initiative to get it approved by her school as a community service project. Her service is free of charge to those unable to make the trip themselves and will commence on July 1st. To take advantage of this service, either call, text or email Annabelle between 7:00 p.m. the day before and 12:00 p.m. the day of delivery, and she will arrange to shop for and deliver your purchases to you before 5:00 p.m. the same day. She can be reached in any of the following ways: Cell Phone at 914-708-0360, Saltaire Phone at 583-5078, or email at We commend Annabelle for thinking about and assisting those residents most impacted by the absence of the Saltaire Market.”Now that’s the true spirit of giving, and doing. And late flash, the junior volunteer firefighters will be helping Annabelle out. Good for all of you.Saltaire news tips for Hugh? Email him at