Saltaire Summery

Saltaire Summeryby Hugh O’BrienWell, gosh, gadzooks and egads, the summer is just about nearing the point of drawing to a close and we hardly seem to have started. I finally figured out that the big problem these days is that schools seem to start their new year around July 15, forcing half the town to abandon the ramparts before they’ve barely finished toting out the last of the Costco cold bags. Gone before we’ve begun, it seems. Not like the old days, when you got your full two months plus a couple of weeks and didn’t have to worry about shedding lifeguards, counselors, deckhands, bar staff, waiters, tennis pros, security personnel, even the odd EMT here and there. Everybody came and went at the same time and then let the winter community fend for themselves. Things have gotten so lopsided that Harry Baker’s famous Countdown Calendar now only goes up to 35 days. That signifies a crisis.Still and all, it ain’t Labor Day, not yet, and this isn’t even the final issue of the FIN – one more to go. But this is the last pre-LD issue, and since there have been some last-minute schedule changes, and crazy rumors of inaccurate schedule changes, herewith we excavate the truth….PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Sunday, Sept. 6, from 8-11 a.m., more or less approximately. This year, no entrance fee is asked; instead, the SVFC would be pleased to accept your donation, of any size, total or overall amount, as a contribution toward its prospective purchase of a new ambulance. The old one still works (well, except for the dashboard clock, which is always 6 hours and 38 minutes late) but it is not only reaching the end of the normal vehicle lifespan out here but eventually the County will require updated capacities that the present wagon simply could not meet. Nothing imminent, but this is a several-years project with an ordering time of 18 months or so, so the sooner we can acquire the new and improved model, the better. But come at least to enjoy the pancakes, mixed according to the department’s secret recipe posted on the kitchen wall. Better batter through butter. Lots of SVFC paraphernalia for sale, too.SAND CASTLE CONTEST. Flash! It’s not on Labor Day weekend this year, but this coming one, Saturday, Aug. 29, to be exact. You can start excavating and building any time, but keep in mind judging starts promptly at 3 p.m. I think this year’s contest will coincide either with a full moon or a hurricane, so bear in mind tides might be a factor. The rain date is Sunday, Aug. 30. Incidentally, construction of the nouveau market this fall may force this year’s Halloween Party to be rechristened next year’s Halloween Party, since access to the necessary venues may not be possible. Stay attuned to SCAA emailsLABOR DAY SHOW. Likewise moved up a week, for the first time in recorded history, since even here most of the cast has to report back to school early. This Friday night, Aug. 28, at 7 p.m. Clapping encouraged.YACHT CLUB EVENTS. The Commodore’s Dinner has also moved up, to this Saturday, Aug. 29; however, so far the annual meeting is still on for Sunday, Sept. 6, at 10 a.m. And the Golf Dinner is still Sept. 3. Remember that these next couple of weeks are your last chance to take a gander at the aged joint before they goose it up real considerable-like this winter. The Club’s little birds tell us the shell may remain the same but the yolk will be very different, and I’m stopping this avian imagery right now before I find myself unable to order Chef Patrick’s chicken dishes any more.A few civil civic matters, civvies: This year marks the last summer for VOS Librarian Kim Merchant Lincoln. Kim is the founder of the modern Saltaire Library, the person who established its many innovations, particularly children’s book nights, book bingo, reading sessions and other activities that diversified the Library’s offerings, increased its use and elevated the participation of hundreds of Saltaire kids every summer. Kim fought tenaciously year after year to improve the place from a mere collection of books donated (i.e., tossed in on the way to the last ferry) generously but haphazardly into a real center of Village life, organized and accessible to everyone. Anyone of less character or determination would never have been able to succeed as she has, if at all. We all owe Kim a debt of gratitude and hope that though she may no longer hold the title of librarian she’ll still be somewhere in the Saltaire mix. I’d make book on that. Thanks, Kim!And we got the results of the Saltaire Jogathon, courtesy Pat Hennessy, and as ever we want to credit them who ran the good races into glory and take no responsibility for spelling errors. By mileage, and M and F winner in each age category. 1.0 mile: 1st Overall, Liam Goldfard and Sophia Bruno; 1st Overall Saltairian, James Goldfarb and Abigail Brown; 6 and under, Quentin Smith and Mary O’Leary; 7-8, Jameson McMillan and Tevah Gibbs; 9-10, Colin McMillan and Sardi Gibbs; 11-12, Samuel Gibbs and Katie Hassell; 13-14, Lucas Sirovich and Nina Jakobson; 15-19, Isaac Schuchat and Maggie Modico; 20-29, Oldania Blanco (no male winner listed in this category); 30-39, Murat Zincer and Emily Mason; 40-49, Ted Nagengast and Keri Goldman; 50-59, Alice Fradin (no M); Masters, Sam Mann (no female winner listed in this category). 3.5 mile: 1st Overall, Dan August and Nancy Mervish; Overall Saltairian, David Arnold and Liza Liotta; 10-14, Jake Fradin Scherer and Kendall Messler; 15-19, Charlie Stewart and Kylie Danin; 20-29, Mackenzie Ginsburg (no female winner listed in this category); 30-39, Jack Luquer (no female winner listed in this category); 40-49, Bret Glassman and Nikki Gibbs; 50-59, Peter Strauss and Wendy Fisher; Masters, Dan Gonzalez and Terry Orr.Okay, now all I want from you is to run that stolen herd back to Mexico. Oh, wait, I’m watching “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” and the dialogue insinuated itself into my insinuations.Contact Hugh if you want any Saltaire news included in his last column for the summer of 2015 at