By Kirsten CorssenLet’s go SkurfingHere at Atlantique we like to keep ourselves busy. When it’s windy we sail, when its sunny we tan, when there are waves we surf, and when there is no wind or waves we “skurf.” Growing up in Atlantique skurfing was a big hobby that my friends and I did often. It not only kept us busy on the flat days, but kept us in tip top shape so we could surf the big swells when they rolled in.What is Skurfing?Skurfing is the art of water skiing on a surfboard. My parents, along with their parents, grew up water skiing. Back in the day, water skiers could be seen in every cove of the Great South Bay. Although some still participate in the sport of water skiing, it is not our first choice, especially at Atlantique. We prefer to switch it up, keep our parents on their toes and most of all put ourselves in the risk zone by trying things not often done, like being pulled full throttle by a center console boat while riding a surfboard.How does one Skurf?While skurfing, one is not attached to the board in anyway. You may be attached to the boat by the towrope, but that’s it. To get up on the board it takes a little practice and some good balance. Newcomers to skurfing don’t always get it on the first try, so don’t get discouraged on the first fall. It can sometimes even take them a few days to get up on the board. Some people like to get up on the board either by starting on their knees, then pulling themselves up to their feet with the help of the tow rope or others like to start sitting in the water while having their feet planted on the board pushing against the boat to propel them into standing position. Either way the outcome is the same, resulting in a smile on their face and an exhilarating ride.Who Skurfs?Anyone can skurf, although it tends to be the younger crowd who gets behind the boat on the surfboard. Skurfing is more difficult than water skiing or wake boarding because of the fact that one’s feet are not strapped into the board. The hardest part of skurfing is the start. When taking people off for their first time it can take all day or even all summer to finally get them up and riding. Although it may look very similar to water skiing or wake boarding, skurfing is a whole different ball game. This sensation and thrill can attract many people, and leave them with a great feeling and desire to try again.Where do we Skurf?Personally my friends and I have skurfed in many different places on the Great South Bay, but there is no better place than the east side of the marina at Atlantique. This area, most often used as an anchoring ground for Atlantique day-trippers, is perfectly protected from the wind making it an ideal spot to skurf. You can often find some skilled skurfers there, with some good skills to show off.When Should we Skurf?According to Bobby Brown, an Atlantique local, the best time of day for skurfing is the morning before the winds and boat wakes pick up. “There are some mornings when my buddies and I wake up just after 6 a.m. to catch the winds at a lull, and get a solid skurf session in before work.” Bobby skurfs year round, he claims. With a thick enough wet suit anything is possible.The Best Part of SkurfingSkurfng is an all around good time, but what makes it so unique is the combination of sports, taking a surfboard out of its element and combining it with boating. With the right type of boat and skills it is even possible for one to drop the towrope and strictly ride the boat wake. Look out the east side of the marina to catch a skurfer in action.Atlantique news tips for Kirsten? Email her at