East Enders

We love the hazy crazy days of summer! The mosquitoes, not so much, so please dump out standing water where pesky buggers can breed. Thanks to Kathie Howe for driving the skeeter foggers around, and to the DPA and DPFD for making that possible. The fire department makes so much happen for our community. The Memorial Rock Dedication, held Aug. 6, saw plaques for Bob White, Jim Romano and Dennis McLaughlin added to the names of those who have answered the final call. It’s always great to see Davis Parkers and department turn out to recognize these fine volunteers, but bittersweet to hear the names of those who have given so much for our community. 

There are many ways to support our island in the sun, including the CRAB Art Show on Sept. 3, Dinner and Dancing to benefit the church on Sept. 22 (get your ticket at the Post Office before they sell out), and the adult Cornhole Tournament on Sept. 24. The DPA meeting will be held on Sept. 23, so that weekend will be chockablock full of fun.

But that’s September — we’re still deep in the throws of August with much to report … we’re happy to announce that Davis Park does indeed have talent! The Davis Park’s Got Talent Show returned to a sell-out crowd, with hostess Maggie Gallagher-Lilly opening (and closing) the show that included an amazing Linda Firpo on silks (how does she do that?), Anna and cartwheeling Alice charming us with their rendition of “Anything You Can Do,” accompanied by papa Chic on keyboards, Nancy Pines showing off her fine vocals with “We Just Couldn’t Say Goodbye,” Anne and Joel Silverman each storytelling in their own way, a rousing group “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” Brenda on hula hoop, great guitar and vocals by The HIMS, and a fine violin performance by Jack Lagowski. Thanks to Maggie for pulling this together again, to Joan for (wo)manning the door and Elissa and Gigi for keeping us hydrated!

Back in the day, fine friends kept us hydrated (and fed) up at the Caz, and it was great to hear that Dr. Dave brought Ray Gilmore and Jack DiNcola out for a visit, even though we missed them. We did get to catch up with Bob and Carol Gruber, and Glen Slater and Carolyne Reubel, and it was wonderful to see them. We also caught up with Rosemarie Gergel, Kim Pino and Lori Bjorndahl, but miss Andy and wish him well.

While we missed wishing Ron Bush a happy 90th birthday in person, on behalf of the whole community wish him all the best! All happiness and smiles go out to Lauren and Smitty on the birth of little Thomas Richard Smith III, congrats!

Being at our beach paradise always makes us smile, and there really is plenty of summer left. But we don’t have plenty of columns, so be sure and send your tips, tidbits and tattles to DPRidgeFI@gmail.com. See you around the walks!