Saltaire Summery

Midsummer! When Saltairians’ thoughts turn to: dog, shall we say using a favored palindrome, poop. Normally, we’d be reluctant to put this unpalatable matter out on the street, but since it’s already out on the street, civic duty demands one put one’s foot down and step into the matter. Seriously, it’s becoming a big problem, so the bottom line is, pick up after your dog’s bottom. It’s the law, and if that doesn’t impress it’s a health hazard, and if that doesn’t register it’s just un-neighborly. Public Safety deputies have been assigned full-time to sniff out the culprits. A conviction will go on your dog’s license and could ruin his chances of getting admitted to Obedience U. Oh, and dogs must be leashed – not running loose.On other crime sprees, people are disregarding our signs and riding bikes on the docks. Apparently the two little signs are too-little signs no one notices, so now there’s a big sign with the nuanced warning “No Bikes On Dock” that hopefully people will see before they veer off into the bay.The SCA calendar’s in full midseason swing, and here’s some of what’s coming up: Bay, Beach and Village Clean-Up, Sunday, Aug. 8; meet at the gazebo at 10:45 a.m. The place needs a good vacuuming so please pitch in. Big stuff Saturday, Aug. 14, the Artisan Fair of fair artisans, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., with live music and food on the Market Deck, followed by the Bay Picnic, 6-9 p.m. on the western bayfront. The Jogathon hoofs it later that month: registration on Saturday, Aug. 21, 9 a.m.-noon at the gazebo; races start at the same place next day, Aug. 22, beginning at 9 a.m. Meantime, two entrants tied for their stunning creations in the Sandcastle Contest – Arthur Oudi for his sculpture of a capsized Optimum sailboat, and Vivian and Charlie Zast for their depiction of the Lighthouse, incorporating different color sands to simulate the stripes. Amazing works! Photos and further event information at that’s useful, because with a 500-word limit on columns it’s tough to do more than touch on most subjects, which brings us to man’s best friend: the internet. We refer you to the appropriate sites, and you get all the information – fun or vital – you need.