Members of the OBFD at Fire Island’s Woodhull Elementary School, pictured with District Superintendent/ School Principal, Travis Davey. (Photos Syntax Media and The Ocean Beach Fire Department.)
In recognition of Fire Prevention Month, the Ocean Beach Fire Department (OBFD) visited Woodhull Elementary School. The students and faculty attended an assembly where the fire department personnel, dressed in turnout gear, provided information on what to do in a fire. OBFD Chief George Hesse led the discussion in which they addressed what needs to be done in the event of fire emergency – including calling 911, how to stop drop and roll if their clothes caught on fire, not to hide from a fireman, and to have an escape plan in place.
At the end of the assembly, the students boarded a fire truck and observed its equipment. Each child was given a novelty fire hat, a goody bag, and hopefully some knowledge that will stay with them.
The Fire Island School District thanks the Ocean Beach Fire Department for their time and lessons on fire safety.