Trivia Night at Le Dock

Last Friday, I attended Le Dock’s weekly Trivia Night hosted by Trivia Jack. As an avid fan of game nights, I was excited to experience this event myself. Trivia started at 8:30 p.m., though I went a little early beforehand to grab a bite while I was there.

PHOTO: @TriviaJack on Instagram

The restaurant was full but not jam packed, it’s still early in the season and it will soon fill up as we approach summer’s peak. However, the bar was bustling.

Each team was given a clipboard with cards to fill out your answers and pick your team names. Some names were funny and creative like Trivia Newton John.

There were five rounds with six questions per round. Before every round, you were asked to put your phone away and any phones used resulted in disqualification. Round one started with easy questions, but as the rounds went on, the questions quickly became challenging. There were music rounds, where the host would play less than 10 seconds of a song and the players would have to guess the artists. Then there were rapid fire rounds, where we would have a minute to come up with answers like the 10 most populated cities in Europe

I appreciated how dynamic the game was. The final round even allowed you to wager your points for each question based on how confident you were in your answers.

Unfortunately, my team did not win (we came in fifth place) but I enjoyed myself, nonetheless. I would mention that due to the small space of the restaurant, it was quite hard to hear from the tables so sitting at the bar is your best bet for an optimal playing experience. I would also say that a good strategy for winning is coming with a big group to cover all your bases.

Overall, it was another lovely opportunity to bring the small community together. It’s appropriate for all ages and welcomes everyone to join in. You can buy Trivia Night merchandise, but it’s free to play. I had only wished that the game lasted a bit longer, but regardless I am looking forward to returning and hoping to take home a win!

Trivia night at Le Dock will continue to be held on Friday evenings beginning at 8:30 p.m. through the month of June, then will be held on Monday nights at 8:30 p.m. through the rest of summer beginning in July.