Kismet Kapers
By Bradlee WhiteJune 16 was not only one of the most beautiful spring days we’ve had in this season of rain – but it was a perfect day for an auction, or two, or three. The Kismet League for Animal Welfare (KLAW) opened the doors of the Fire House at 10 a.m. to a sweeping vista of tables piled with donated flea market items ranging from paintings, household items, puzzles, jewelry and even a fuzzy tusked elephant rocker. One long table was devoted to a Chinese Auction where hopeful visitors dropped tickets in bags associated with the desired items including assorted wines, tequila, scratch-off lottery wreaths, and gift certificates. Silent I won a Hammacher Schlemmer umbrella. A veritable library of books was displayed in wagons. Parked outside was a beautiful white bicycle (donated by Gene McGovern) that was being vigorously raffled off. The winning ticket for Patty Lyon was picked by Roxanne, Caroline’s white pet bird. It was quite a sight. Annie Paulson, a frequent visitor to Kismet, painted cat faces on children and some KLAW volunteers. Board members thanked the community and said it was a lot of fun even though the proceeds were a bit under some prior years.The Kismet Auction dinner was a great success. Working from early morning, Amy Wood, aided by Judy Phelan, Joanne Padovano and Patty Lyon, arranged silent auction items. Joanne and Patty presided over the check-in podium as guests began arriving along the bay in the early evening. John Altieri shone as auctioneer par excellence. Overheard afterward were many comments about how much fun it all was, though one auction veteran was heard to say “not like it used to be.” Ah, those were the days.The much heralded Comedy Night on June 22 was indeed a lot laughs. Sam opened the show with gags on a guitar he’d found: His dry sense of humor was no surprise to those who saw him on last year’s “Kismet: 15 minutes of Fame.” Both lead-in comic Dennis Rooney and “star” Joey Kola riffed on Sam, the contractor and the uniqueness of performing in a Fire House. Joey’s imitations of his wife and kids voices were “spot on.” He had the crowd roaring, some more than others. The comedians posed with the event’s organizers. “Lazy Bones” Drs. Linda and Janet won the raffle for a super-sized board of scratch-off tickets.Amy was glowing after finally moving into their newly raised and renovated home. She posted pictures of their ecstatic dogs on Facebook, so happy with their old/new home. The cat, not so much – “too many dogs…can I have my own room now?” The Lambes were all smiles as Brooke graduated from eighth-grade, headed for Bay Shore High School.Thanks to Jack Baker for letting me know of the passing of three military veterans who were longtime residents of Kismet. Des McCarthy, a WWII veteran, spent 10 years in residence at “Ten Fathom Yacht Club” off Seabay Walk. Walter Ulma, also a veteran of WWII, owned the house known as “Basin Street” (now “La Famiglia”). He and his wife Peggy were regulars when the Stompers played the Inn. John Woods, a Korean War veteran, was a renter here for 50 years at “Camelot,” “Bulkhead” and with his friend Artie Schiller.Upcoming Events: July 7: Sandcastle/Sand Sculpture Fun event. Start after 10:30 a.m., finish by 3 p.m.July 21: Kismet Day!