Kismet Kapers

Happy Labor Day! These last two weeks of August are always a busy and enjoyable time despite a little or a lot of rain here and there. It was great to see Dawn’s mother, Pat, back for her annual visit. We met on a dripping dock under leaden skies, waiting for the freight boat to unload. The East Lighthouse Luau, usually on the beach, was moved to “Brown Sugar” when hostesses Debbie Epstein, Ginny Butler and Gen Higgens bowed to the threat of unpredictable weather. There were lots of people and everyone brought something to eat or drink. New homeowner, Ella, made a big hit with her pierogies, kielbasa and sauerbraten. Wooden Horse Races were held and kids swirled in authentic hula skirts. On the same weekend, the Kismet Fire Department Auxiliary held a final meeting and party, with lots of kudos going to hard working volunteers. I missed the drag queen show, but hear it was a standing room only event.

There also is a bit of stress at this time of year for everyone. Restaurants are overflowing, but at the same time young servers and staff are heading back to school. Houseguests helpfully put everything away in unique and undiscoverable places. Denizens of group houses begin to find the quirks of housemates that seemed so charming in June, become a bit wearing in late August. Conversation can lag when we see the same people at party after party. Even good gossip runs stale. Navigating our walks becomes a game of zigzag with so many renters, guests and children with so much paraphernalia. Still, you can’t begrudge them: The sun is finally out and they are so happy. This is paradise, where children can run free with minimal supervision, where beautiful pet birds of red and green surprisingly appear on an Oak Walk deck, where the beach is steps away from dawn to dusk. On the dark side, someone – it must be a visitor( s) – has let their big dog drop big loads mid-sidewalk. Sometimes, tempers flare. A recent argument that began over the inappropriateness of tossing garbage in the bay marina ended with the tosser in the bay along with his leavings. Others gathered. Harsh words were exchanged.

The grass is still growing wildly, but the phragmities are drying out, and spiders are spinning their webs everywhere. Gypsy moths are building cocoons in trees. Unfortunately this can really damage or kill a tree so Caroline and George have adopted new identities as “Gypsy Busters” to help friends and neighbors with relocation. Feel free to call upon them if you notice one in your trees.

It’s Labor Day! It’s the end of summer? Not really. After the parties, barbeques, and terrific music from downtown (Rich Mahogany, Crucial Experiment, guitarist Jose Conde, to name a few) there is so much to look forward to. The BIG heat is gone, replaced by gentle warm breezes and cool nights. September brings shining days with crystal clear blue skies. Best of all, The Taste of Kismet is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 8, at 6 p.m., in the firehouse. Krisha Lambe and Joanne Agoglia, have recruited some of Kismet’s best cooks to provide a hundred servings of their favorite recipes so everyone can have a “taste.” Volunteers are tasked to put out flyers, set up tables, sell tickets and clean up. There are still plenty of openings for cooks and volunteers so drop an email to

Hold the presses! This just in: Dana submitted video of an Aug. 25 shark rescue (probably tangled in monofilament fishing line), people and dolphins watching. Check Facebook Kismet Homeowners.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, Sept. 22, 11 am-2 pm: KLAW Fall Book Sale, Seabay and Burma.

Sunday, Sept. 30, 10 am: KCA Fall Meeting.