Ocean Bay Park

“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. By Barbara Gaby Placilla ~ If there’s a phrase to describe how I feel about this summer of 2021, this is it. The COVID-19 pandemic is reasserting itself and there is so much uncertainty about what lies ahead. However, we are all doing our best to enjoy every moment that we can in this wonderful place called Ocean Bay Park.So much has been happening in and around the Park the past few weeks – some of it good and some of it sad. The community lost one of its stalwarts with the passing of Joyce Peters Greenberger. Joyce spent more than six decades in Ocean Bay Park spanning the age of “Mad Men” when OBP was a magnet for the Madison Avenue advertising crowd to our current millennial generation. Joyce and her husband of almost 50 years, George, were world travelers. She was a master bridge player who spent the off season competing in bridge team events. Did I mention she had been a competitive ice skater or that she wrote a column for this newspaper at one time, too? A memorial service is planned for a date to be announced.On a happier note, Patty Loesch is back in residence on Oneida Street after too long an absence, and Niza Shor-Egan is on the mend and back home on Cayuga. Due to the pandemic Randi Krapf and Mike Jones did not take to the road for an annual National Parks adventure but decided to stay in their Seneca Street house with fur baby Irving.August 7 was a busy day with a showing of various art forms by local artists in town, including master photographer Fran Miller’s annual arts and crafts show. I spotted new grandparents Lynn and Todd Luttenberger with their adorable grandchild, Ivy Rose Onishea.Score one for the old timers who won the annual Over vs Under softball game in Seaview. It’s nice to see the old guys win since let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger.August marks a lot of milestones for OBP residents. Happy birthday to Liam McCullough who just turned 3 years old, and to Ric Andersen who passed that milestone a long time ago! Jennifer Winters celebrates a big birthday on Aug.14. Congratulations to Tony and Catherine Catanese who celebrated their 25th anniversary on Aug. 10. Cheers to Dr. Nonda Volpe who has retired after 23 years as a psychologist with Northside Center for Child Development, but will continue her private practice with a select group of patients. And kudos to Nicholas Borgia who is a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve and is doing his annual training in Hawaii! Serving your country does have benefits.Ralph Buckley held auditions for this season’s production of Shakespeare’s “King Lear,” which will be performed in the bay beach park on Labor Day weekend. I totally enjoyed last year’s predominantly female cast of “Julius Caesar” and I am looking forward to Ralph’s interpretation of “King Lear,” particularly who will land the title role.So, until next time, as the Roman poet Horace penned, “carpe diem!”